What is United To Protect The Plateau?
United To Protect The Plateau (UPP) is a nonprofit organization based in Monteagle, Tennessee. Its primary mission is to serve as a unifying force, championing the preservation of the Cumberland Plateau's history and environment while fostering sustainable economic growth that benefits its citizens. UPP has been instrumental in supporting youth programs, particularly reading initiatives. Furthermore, they provide citizens with technical guidance on how to navigate state agencies, such as the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the State Fire Marshall, among others. Additionally, they offer financial assistance to citizen's groups to help them in their efforts to protect clean air, water, and open spaces on the Cumberland Plateau. UPP aims to be a galvanizing voice that honors the plateau's heritage while promoting a better future for its people and surroundings.
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
Is United To Protect The Plateau legitimate?
United To Protect The Plateau is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. United To Protect The Plateau submitted a form 990, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
Here are some key statistics you may want to consider:
Executive Compensation: $0
Professional Fundraising Fees: $0
Other Salaries and Wages: $0
For more financial information, click here
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
What is the mission statement of United To Protect The Plateau?
United To Protect The Plateau is an organization that seeks to serve as a unifying force, respecting the historical significance of the plateau while advocating for sustainable economic growth that improves both the environment and the community. Their mission is to promote a growth strategy that enhances the plateau's environment and enriches the lives of its citizens. The organization has provided support to youth programs, offering assistance with technical information relating to state agencies, such as the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, and the State Fire Marshall. United To Protect The Plateau has also provided financial assistance to citizens' groups in their efforts to preserve clean air, water, and protect open spaces on the Cumberland Plateau.
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
Who is the CEO of United To Protect The Plateau?
William Foehring is the Treasurer of United To Protect The Plateau.
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
What is the revenue of United To Protect The Plateau?
United To Protect The Plateau's revenue in 2022 was $197,090.
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
Who are the executives of United To Protect The Plateau and what are their salaries?
- Mary Beth Best (Treasurer)
- William Foehring (Co Chairpers)
- Lucy Keeble (Chairperson)
- Susie Lipscomb (Secretary)
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
Where can I find the form 990 for United To Protect The Plateau?
The United To Protect The Plateau’s most recent form 990 was submitted in 2022 and can be accessed here
Official website here: www.unitedplateau.org
Learn more at the official website: www.unitedplateau.org
Mission Statement of United To Protect The Plateau
United To Protect The Plateau (UPP) is a galvanizing voice that aims to honor and preserve the Plateau's history while promoting sustainable economic growth that enhances its environment and its citizens. The nonprofit organization is devoted to fostering a future that prioritizes the well-being of the Plateau's ecosystem and its community.
In its mission, UPP serves as a valuable resource for various youth programs, providing assistance to help them thrive. Additionally, UPP offers technical information to citizens on how to reach state agencies, such as the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the State Fire Marshall, among others.
Furthermore, UPP has shown support for citizen's groups fighting for clean air, water, and the protection of open spaces on the Cumberland Plateau. By offering financial assistance, UPP empowers these groups to continue their efforts in preserving the Plateau's natural beauty and resources. In essence, United To Protect The Plateau is a committed advocate for sustainable development and environmental conservation, working towards a future where the Plateau's history, ecosystem, and community all thrive together.
This information is meant to be a general summary of United To Protect The Plateau. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
United To Protect The Plateau has made a significant impact in the community of Monteagle, Tennessee, and beyond. Through their efforts, they have provided assistance to reading and youth programs, offered technical information on important state agencies to citizens, such as the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the State Fire Marshall, and supported citizen groups financially in their advocacy for clean air, water, and the protection of open spaces on the Cumberland Plateau. By being a galvanizing voice for sustainable economic growth that enhances the environment and its citizenry, United To Protect The Plateau has played a vital role in promoting environmental conservation and community well-being in the region.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2022.
- Assets and Liabilities:
Organization Details
Founding Year
(423) 602-1582
Principal Officer
William Foehring
Main Address
PO BOX 1511, MONTEAGLE, TN, 37356
NTEE Category
Code: C99 - Environment
If you are a representative of United To Protect The Plateau and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: https://givefreely.com/nonprofits/. Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.