What is Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc?
Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc, also known as CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion, is a nonprofit organization based in Ocala, Florida. It operates under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), replacing previous job training programs and amending the Wagner-Peyser Act. The organization's mission is to collaborate with citizens, employers, and educational providers to develop high-quality education and training programs, addressing regional workforce needs. By doing so, they aim to empower individuals to manage their careers and help U.S. companies find skilled workers. The organization has a customer-focused approach, providing information and high-quality services to support Americans in accessing employment opportunities. With a team of 73 employees, they strive to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers, ensuring a skilled workforce in the Citrus and Marion regions.
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
Is Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc legitimate?
Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc submitted a form 990, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
Here are some key statistics you may want to consider:
Executive Compensation: $293,628
Professional Fundraising Fees: $0
Other Salaries and Wages: $2,782,405
For more financial information, click here
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
What is the mission statement of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc?
The Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc serves as a mediator, bringing together citizens, employers, and educational providers to develop high-quality education and training programs, as well as employment services. This initiative aims to meet the regional workforce needs. The organization operates under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which replaces the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and amends the Wagner-Peyser Act. WIOA also includes the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (Title II) and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Title IV). The Act reforms federal job training programs, creating a new comprehensive workforce investment system that is customer-focused, providing individuals with tools to manage their careers and helping U.S. companies find skilled workers.
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
Who is the CEO of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc?
Thomas E Skinner Jr is the Board Member of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc. The CEO's salary of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc is $139,666 and their total compensation is $162,636.
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
What is the revenue of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc?
Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc's revenue in 2022 was $6,567,887.
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
Who are the executives of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc and what are their salaries?
The average compensation at Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc during 2022 was $42,137. There are 73 employees at Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc.
Here are 31 key members and their salaries (Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc's CEO's salary is $139,666 and their total compensation is $162,636):
- Thomas Skinner (Ceo) [Trustee/Director]
- Dale French (Executive Vice President) [Trustee/Director]
- Darlene Goddard (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Kevin Cunningham (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Dr Mark Paugh (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Angie White (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Pat Reddish (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Pete Beasley (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Ted Knight (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Theresa Flick (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Jorge Martinez (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Fredrick Morgan (Board Member -Treasurer) [Trustee/Director]
- Arno Proctor (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Judy Houlios (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Kathy Judkins (Board Member - Past Chair) [Trustee/Director]
- Carl Flanagan (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Christie Mcelroy (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Equilla Wheeler (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Debra Stanley (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- John Hemken (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- John Murphy (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Joyce Wilson (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Lewrissa Mainwaring (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Albert Jones (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Tiffany Wiggins (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Kim Baxley (Board Member - Chair) [Trustee/Director]
- Charles Harris (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Brandon Whiteman (Board Member - Vice Chair) [Trustee/Director]
- Jeff Chang (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Lanny Mathis (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Cira Schnettler (Secretary)
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
Where can I find the form 990 for Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc?
The Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc’s most recent form 990 was submitted in 2022 and can be accessed here
Official website here: www.careersourceclm.com
Learn more at the official website: www.careersourceclm.com
Mission Statement of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc
Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc is an organization that plays a crucial role in bringing together various stakeholders to address the regional workforce needs. This nonprofit entity brings together citizens, employers, and educational providers to develop high-quality education, training, and employment services. Their mission is centered around creating programs that cater to the evolving demands of the local workforce.
In essence, the Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc serves as a bridge, connecting the needs of the labor market with the skills and knowledge of individuals and educational institutions. By doing so, they aim to foster a dynamic and skilled workforce that can meet the ever-changing demands of the regional economy. The organization's activities are guided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which replaces the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and amends the Wagner-Peyser Act. This legislation provides a comprehensive framework for job training programs, with a focus on customer satisfaction and access to high-quality services. The reformed system aims to empower Americans to manage their careers effectively and assist U.S. companies in finding skilled workers.
This information is meant to be a general summary of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc plays a crucial role in developing programs to support high-quality education, training, and employment services to meet regional workforce needs. By bringing together citizens, employers, and educational providers, the organization facilitates the creation of initiatives that aim to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers. Through the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other federal job training programs, the organization contributes to the enhancement of workforce development in the region. Its efforts are focused on providing individuals with the necessary tools and resources to manage their careers effectively, while also assisting companies in finding skilled workers to meet their business needs. Collectively, these actions have a positive impact on the local economy, job market, and overall community development.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2022.
- Assets and Liabilities:
Programs are reported by nonprofits in their tax forms and are normally their tax-exempt activities.
Organization Details
Founding Year
(352) 873-7939
Principal Officer
Thomas E Skinner Jr
Main Address
3003 SW COLLEGE ROAD STE 107 107, OCALA, FL, 34474
NTEE Category
Code: J200 - Employment
If you are a representative of Citrus Levy Marion Regional Workforce Development Board Inc and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: https://givefreely.com/nonprofits/. Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.