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Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd

Learn about this cause: Is it Legit? Do I like the mission? What is the CEO's salary?

EIN: 455200482 ✦ Crownsville, MD ✦ Designated as a 501(c)(3)


What is Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd?

The Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd, based in Crownsville, is a nonprofit organization that serves as a central hub for various sectors with an interest in geospatial data and technologies within Maryland. Its primary aim is to minimize costly duplication in GIS efforts, such as data collection, transfer, and system implementation. The committee fosters the development of geographic datasets beneficial to multiple sectors, and coordinates GIS activities across these sectors. In essence, it works towards reducing inefficiencies and promoting collaboration in the use of geospatial data and technologies within the state of Maryland.

Official website here:

Is Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd legitimate?

Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd submitted a form 990EZ, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.

Here are some key statistics you may want to consider:

Charitable Disbursements: $10,788
Compensation of Officers*: $0
undefined: undefined

For more financial information, click here

Official website here:

What is the mission statement of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd?

The Maryland State Geographic Information Committee serves as a centralized hub for various sectors in the state, focusing on geospatial data and technologies. Its primary goal is to reduce unnecessary duplication in GIS efforts, particularly in data collection, transfer, and system implementation. The committee strives to develop valuable geographic datasets for multiple sectors, and it coordinates GIS activities across different sectors. Its mission is to foster collaboration and efficiency in the use of geospatial data in Maryland, ultimately contributing to the advancement of technology and data-driven decision-making in the state.

Official website here:

Who is the CEO of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd?

Jennifer Chadwick-Moore is the Treasurer of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd.

Official website here:

What is the revenue of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd?

Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd's revenue in 2022 was $18,248.

Official website here:

Who are the executives of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd and what are their salaries?

Here are 4 key members and their salaries:

    Shawn Pickett (Chair-Executive Committee)
  • Compensation: $0
  • Related: $0
  • Other: $0

    • Sean Lynn (Vice Chair)
  • Compensation: $0
  • Related: $0
  • Other: $0

    • Kyla Cupp (Secretary)
  • Compensation: $0
  • Related: $0
  • Other: $0

    • Jennifer Chadwick-Moore (Treasurer)
  • Compensation: $0
  • Related: $0
  • Other: $0

  • Official website here:

    Where can I find the form 990EZ for Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd?

    The Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd’s most recent form 990EZ was submitted in 2022 and can be accessed here

    Official website here:

    Learn more at the official website:

    Mission Statement of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd

    The Maryland State Geographic Information Committee, also known as MSGIC, serves as a centralized platform for various user sectors in Maryland with an interest in geospatial data and technologies. This committee aims to reduce costly duplication of efforts related to data collection, transfer, and systems implementation. By doing so, MSGIC supports the development of geographic datasets that are beneficial for multiple sectors and coordinates GIS activities among different sectors. The organization's mission is to foster collaboration and efficiency in the use of geospatial data and technologies, ultimately contributing to the betterment of various sectors in the state of Maryland.


    This information is meant to be a general summary of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.

    Tuesday, June 18, 2024

    The Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd's impact lies in its role as a centralized forum for various user sectors interested in geospatial data and technologies in Maryland. By reducing duplication of GIS efforts related to data collection, transfer, and system implementation, the committee helps save resources and streamline processes. Furthermore, it contributes to the development of geographic datasets that are beneficial across multiple sectors and facilitates coordination of GIS activities among different sectors. Overall, the committee plays a significant role in promoting efficient and effective use of geospatial information in Maryland.


    This financial information is from Propublica.


    Other financial information:

    This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2022.

  • Investment Income: $0
  • Program Service Revenue: $0
  • Gross Receipts: $18,248

    • Assets and Liabilities:
  • Total Assets: $25,324
  • Total Liabilities: $0
  • Net Assets: $25,324
  • Organization Details

    Principal Officer

    Jennifer Chadwick-Moore

    Main Address

    PO Box 545, Crownsville, MD, 21032

    NTEE Category

    Code: C99 - Environment

    If you are a representative of Maryland State Geographic Information Committee Ltd and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.