What is Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat?
The Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat is a nonprofit organization based in Burley, Washington. Its primary mission is to raise public awareness about the potential hazards of industrial aquaculture. This organization actively advocates on behalf of citizens, engaging in legal actions against industrial aquaculture initiatives. By doing so, they aim to protect and preserve the Puget Sound's ecosystem for future generations.
Is Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat legitimate?
Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat submitted a form 990EZ, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
What is the mission statement of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat?
The Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat advocates for public education regarding the potential hazards of industrial aquaculture. Acting as a voice for citizens, it engages in legal battles against industrial aquaculture practices. The organization's primary goal is to safeguard natural habitats, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment.
Who is the CEO of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat?
Laura Hendricks is the President of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat.
What is the revenue of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat?
Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat's revenue in 2021 was $13,151.
Who are the executives of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat and what are their salaries?
- Laura Hendricks (President)
- Curt Puddicombe (Vice President)
Where can I find the form 990EZ for Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat?
The Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat’s most recent form 990EZ was submitted in 2021 and can be accessed here
Mission Statement of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat
The Coalition to Protect Puget Sound Habitat is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to raising awareness about the potential hazards of industrial aquaculture. By representing concerned citizens in legal battles against this industry, it strives to safeguard the environment and the habitats within the Puget Sound region. The organization's mission is to educate the public and to advocate for the preservation of these essential ecosystems, ensuring a sustainable future for all.
This information is meant to be a general summary of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
The Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat is impactful in raising awareness about the dangers of industrial aquaculture. Through education and representation in legal battles, the coalition works to safeguard the health of Puget Sound and its delicate ecosystem. By advocating for sustainable practices and standing up against harmful industrial activities, the coalition plays a crucial role in protecting the habitat and biodiversity of the Puget Sound region.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2021.
- Assets and Liabilities:
Organization Details
(253) 509-4987
Principal Officer
Laura Hendricks
Main Address
P O Box 233, Burley, WA, 98322
NTEE Category
Code: C60 - Environment
If you are a representative of Coalition To Protect Puget Sound Habitat and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: https://givefreely.com/nonprofits/. Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.