What is Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy?
Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy is a nonprofit organization located at 777 Randolph Avenue, Milton, MA 02186. The primary focus of this organization is to create a nurturing and stimulating environment for children, enabling them to grow socially, emotionally, and physically with their peers. The mission of Carriage House School is to guide children, helping them develop a positive self-image. With a team of 10 dedicated individuals, this institution aims to foster an atmosphere that allows children to feel good about themselves and thrive.
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
Is Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy legitimate?
Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy submitted a form 990, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
Here are some key statistics you may want to consider:
Executive Compensation: $187,292
Professional Fundraising Fees: $0
Other Salaries and Wages: $243,532
For more financial information, click here
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
What is the mission statement of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy?
The Carriage House School aims to establish a nurturing and stimulating environment for children, enabling them to develop socially, emotionally, and physically. The school's mission is to guide children to foster a positive self-image and feel good about themselves. They strive to create an atmosphere that encourages growth and personal development among their peers.
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
Who is the CEO of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy?
Patricia Haskins is the Vice President of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy.
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
What is the revenue of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy?
Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy's revenue in 2022 was $777,403.
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
Who are the executives of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy and what are their salaries?
The average compensation at Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy during 2022 was $43,082. There are 10 employees and 2 volunteers at Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy.
Here are 4 key members and their salaries:
- Joseph E Mccarthy (Exec Dir President) [Trustee/Director]
- Nancy G Mccarthy (Clerk) [Trustee/Director]
- Karen Taylor Rapp (Treasurer) [Trustee/Director]
- Patricia Haskins (Vice President) [Trustee/Director]
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
Where can I find the form 990 for Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy?
The Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy’s most recent form 990 was submitted in 2022 and can be accessed here
Official website here: www.carriagehouseschool.com
Learn more at the official website: www.carriagehouseschool.com
Mission Statement of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy
Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy is dedicated to creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for children, enabling them to grow socially, emotionally, and physically alongside their peers. The school's mission is to guide these children, helping them develop a positive self-image and feel good about themselves. By fostering this supportive environment, Carriage House School aims to contribute to the holistic development of each child in its care.
This information is meant to be a general summary of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E McCarthy's impact lies in providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for children to grow socially, emotionally, and physically with their peers. The school's focus on guiding children to feel good about themselves and develop a positive self-image contributes positively to the overall well-being and development of the students. Through this approach, the school plays a significant role in shaping the social and emotional growth of the children in its care, ultimately setting a strong foundation for their future success.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2022.
- Assets and Liabilities:
Programs are reported by nonprofits in their tax forms and are normally their tax-exempt activities.
Organization Details
Founding Year
Principal Officer
Patricia Haskins
Main Address
NTEE Category
Code: B21Z - Education
If you are a representative of Carriage House School Inc Co Joseph E Mccarthy and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: https://givefreely.com/nonprofits/. Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.