What is Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme?
Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown, a nonprofit affiliated with Summit Academy Management, is situated in Akron, Ohio. The institution serves approximately 2,000 students, offering a nurturing environment tailored to their needs. Around 19% of these students fall on the autism spectrum, 32% have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 11% are emotionally disturbed, 3% have other disabilities, and the remaining 35% are under regular education services. In addition to their specialized curriculum, Summit Academy offers therapeutic martial arts and educational field trips to enrich students' experiences. The school's mission is to build hope, success, and well-being for children with special needs through advocacy and education.
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
Is Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme legitimate?
Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme submitted a form 990, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
Here are some key statistics you may want to consider:
Executive Compensation: $0
Professional Fundraising Fees: $0
Other Salaries and Wages: $0
For more financial information, click here
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
What is the mission statement of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme?
Summit Academy Schools, through advocacy and education, strive to build hope, success, and well-being for children with special needs. Their mission is centered around creating an inclusive and nurturing environment that caters to the unique needs of over 2,000 students. This includes a significant number of students on the autism spectrum, those with learning disabilities, emotionally disturbed children, and others with various special needs. In addition to a specialized curriculum, the school offers therapeutic martial arts and educational field trips to enrich the learning experience.
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
Who is the CEO of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme?
John Guyer is the Board Member of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme. The CEO's salary of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme is $0 and their total compensation is $237,189.
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
What is the revenue of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme?
Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme's revenue in 2022 was $1,994,024.
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
Who are the executives of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme and what are their salaries?
- John Guyer (Ceo)
- Mark Michael (Director Of Operations)
- Amy Cole (Vp Of Hr)
- Debra Skul (Chief Of Academics)
- Erica Richley (Director Of Special Education)
- Heather Singer (Executive Director Of Curriculum)
- Chris Wheeler (Executive Director Of School Operations)
- Jennifer B Frey (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Brian C Roth (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Michael Dailey (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Andrew Davenport (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
- Faustino Zapata (Board Member) [Trustee/Director]
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
Where can I find the form 990 for Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme?
The Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme’s most recent form 990 was submitted in 2022 and can be accessed here
Official website here: www.summitacademies.com
Learn more at the official website: www.summitacademies.com
Mission Statement of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme
Summit Academy Secondary School, an institution dedicated to children with special needs, aims to foster hope, success, and well-being through advocacy and education. By providing a nurturing educational environment for approximately 2,000 students, the school caters to a diverse range of needs. Nineteen percent of these students fall on the autism spectrum, while thirty-two percent have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), eleven percent are emotionally disturbed, three percent have other disabilities, and the remaining thirty-five percent require regular education services.
Beyond its specialized curriculum, Summit Academy Secondary School offers therapeutic martial arts and educational field trips to enrich the learning experience of its students. The school's commitment to holistic development extends beyond academics, focusing on the overall well-being of each child. This approach allows these children to not only learn but also grow in a supportive environment, equipping them with the tools necessary to succeed in their future endeavors.
This information is meant to be a general summary of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Management's impact lies in providing a nurturing educational environment for 2,000 students, a significant portion of whom have special needs. The school caters to students on the autism spectrum, those with ADHD, emotional disturbances, and other disabilities, as well as those in regular education services. In addition to a highly specialized curriculum, students are also engaged in therapeutic martial arts and educational field trips. Through its advocacy and education efforts, Summit Academy Secondary School aims to build hope, success, and well-being for children with special needs in Middletown.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2022.
- Assets and Liabilities:
Programs are reported by nonprofits in their tax forms and are normally their tax-exempt activities.
Organization Details
Founding Year
(330) 670-8470
Principal Officer
John Guyer
Main Address
NTEE Category
Code: B29 - Education
If you are a representative of Summit Academy Secondary School - Middletown - C/O Summit Academy Manageme and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: https://givefreely.com/nonprofits/. Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.